Physics & Music Installation

How to access the sound installation:

In order to be able to hear the sounds geolocated near the displayed images in the Physics & Music exhibition, you need to follow these steps:

1. Download & Install the SonicMaps Player App App (for Android or iOS) in your mobile device, which needs to have GPS.

2. Start the App.

3. Load project from the following address (just copy & paste in the Project field):

(alternatively, you can select Browse and find the project Traunkirchen listed in the projects page and Get link from there. You still have to paste the displayed link in the Load field in the App). 

IMPORTANT: It is strongly advisable that you tick ☒Wi-Fi Preload when loading the project. That way you will be able to download all sounds in advance, regardless the availability of mobile internet connection in the exhibition area. The project will be available for download on Sunday, the 8th of September with the name Austellung(working).

This Installation will be available until the 11th of September in the Internationale Akademie Traunkirchen, consisting of several 'Sounds' submitted by numerous composers from over 15 countries (See Call4Sounds* for more details). Attendees will vote the first prize, and the results will be made public at the end of the exhibition, on the 16th of September.

*The Call4Sounds is now officially closed. Thank you for the submissions!