⧉ Prof. Dosch, Prof. Specht:
Töne, Klänge und musikalische Harmonie
⧉ Opening concert:
Neues Atelier Ensemble
⧉ Philipp Haslinger:
A universal matter-wave interferometer
with optical gratings in the time domain
⧉ Adrián Artacho:
Self Image | Music for an Interferometer
⧉ Jason Hoelscher-Obermaier:
Visualizing the motion of musical instruments
⧉ Musical intermezzo:
Quantum entanglement tango
⧉ Physics & Music: interactive exhibition
& international composition competition
⧉ Bernhard Albrecht:
Sagnac Interferometer Installation
⧉ Laser Harp Installation
⧉ Prof. Peter Grünberg (Nobel Prize in Physics 2007):
Harmonien in der alpinen Folksmusik
This program was conceived and developed by Christiane M. Losert-Valiente Kroon, Kathrin Buczak and Adrián Artacho. More infos here»